Secure Online Ordering & Payments
Order directly from our product pages and checkout securely online by credit card. We accept MasterCard, Visa and Discover. Due to current high demand for MAXANT products, please allow up to 3 weeks for orders to ship.
To place an order via fax:
- Complete an Order Form
- Fax to (978) 772-6365
To place an order via phone:
- Prepare your order with part numbers and/or product names and descriptions. (Our Order Form is useful for this.)
- Have your shipping information
- Have your credit card information
- Call (978) 772-0576 or (978) 772-BEES (2337)
We accept MasterCard, Visa and Discover.If paying by check, please make check payable to C-MAX, Inc.
(NOT Maxant Inc!)
Mail checks to:
C-MAX, Inc.
P.O. Box 454
Ayer, Ma. 01432
Important Policies
Please review our Shipping Policy and Returns Policy.
A 15% restocking fee will apply in the following situations:
- Products returned without defects or not due to our error
- Products returned without a Return Authorization (RA) number
- Products returned due to refused shipments at invalid or incorrect addresses